
Sister in Law’s SexToys


Early last year, my father-in-law passed away. About a month prior, my sister-in-law Marie had moved from another state to help my wife care for him in his final days. Marie wasn’t sure how long she would be staying, or if she and her husband would move down permanently, so she brought a huge amount […]

Straddling Madeline: random thoughts


“Just this once let me sin for the joy of life, for the ancient and exquisite joy of sinning.” I want to do whatever it is you tell me to do. Velvet blanket feels so good on my tense taught legs. Ram It Down playing on my mental juke joint. I’d crawl to get to […]

Mature woman and the lawn boy


Carol sat on her couch reading a trashy romance novel. She knew these novels were the literary equivalent to B-movies or soft core porn. But she didn’t care, she liked them. She heard a lawn mower start. James was back. Every Sunday, late in the morning, he was there to mow her lawn. She wondered […]

Sins of the Mothers


I asked her to dance, and she wasn’t too steady on her feet. Her breath reeked of liquor and she had a faraway look. I was twenty-two years old, in a strange city, and had few friends. Dances were the only places I knew for meeting women. It was almost midnight, and I had to […]

It’s Good To Be The Boss


Sean had been the top man in charge of this particular ad agency for the past seven years. Over the years, copy writers, editors, secretaries, financial and legal staff — everyone had come and gone. And over the years he’d managed to replace them, one by one, with the sort of people who made his […]

Bitchbot One – The Introduction


Spotting *her* amongst the other dogbots was easy. The canine division of Homebots had, after all, built her based on the photographs and videos I’d given them. She moved… differently than I’d expected. Oh, I hadn’t expected any miracles and after being shown the various production models I’d readily agreed that I couldn’t expect her […]

Gen and Jonnie had swung before


Like Babs and I, Gen and Jonnie were a committed lesbian couple. Babs worked with Gen at the gym. Gen was one of the personal trainers and built a lot like me, tall, muscular, and very butch. Gen flirted with my little dear constantly. I could see where Babs might like her. Jonnie was a […]

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