
Dana gangbanged on the subway


As soon as Dana was off school grounds, she removed her clothes from underneath her trenchcoat. Damn stupid rules, making her wear clothing all the time. It’s not as if nudity was obscene. But boys were stupid and messed everything up. Because THEY went batshit when she was naked, SHE had to wear at least […]

Bondage, Oral, Humilitaion, Spanking in the Two Star Hotel


When he got back to the room, the man shut the door and slipped on the mask before he stepped around the corner and into the main room. Kelly had heard him coming and was already panting slightly around the ball gag as she tried to control her fear. The man came into the room […]

Louise Decides To Get A SexJob


Louise was ironing when she first knew she was going to die, nosing the iron against the collar seam of the white silk blouse and staring into a dream of nothing. It stopped her. She put the iron on its heel and looked back through her thoughts to find it. Of course, she thought. As […]

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