
Sex with Step-Daddy


I told you a little bit about how Daddy and I played when I was younger and I’d love to tell you more. But some people are wondering what our relationship is like now that I’m 20 and a sophomore in college. Daddy is still a very young and sexy 53. He’s gotten a little […]

Midnight Ballet (Msolo,Mdom,nc,bd,toys)


I wasn’t having a good day. I’d been arguing with managers all day about why my latest project was behind schedule. Finally, I had enough, right about the time I could go home, so I stormed out of the building and roared out of the parking lot. I decided to do something nice for myself. […]

Walking the dog


We were up early the following morning. It was one of those rare bright winter days where there is no wind and the world looks made anew under its carpet of shimmering frost. The sky was an achingly blue vault with the only clouds a couple of puffs left over from God’s cigar. It isn’t […]

Laura My office sex slave


Laura’s situation was a little unique. She shared an office with me, and like it or not I got to be very familiar with the nuances of her life, mainly from phone calls and the like that she made, and listening to her talk to people that happened by. That, in addition to what she […]

I Know What You Did – by Katie


“I know what you did and I don’t like it. Do you want me to tell your husband?” Just those words on a white sheet of paper. Just those words, a picture of Will and an envelope with no return address. Most people would envy my life. I have a husband who is doing well […]

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