Alicia and Kim made their way from the crowded dance floor to the bar of the
local nightclub, they ordered two of the biggest cocktails on the menu and
laughed together as they sipped the creamy mixture. It was Alicia’s last
night as a single girl, tomorrow was the big wedding she and her fiancé had
been planning for the …
It seemed so surreal and dream like. I felt strange and detached. I was in
a room, this much I knew. There were other women in the room with me. I
sensed them rather than saw or heard anything that would have cause me to
have noticed their presence. If I looked around, all I saw was light and
Maureen was helping to tell Sherry’s story when I ate her pussy, so I
figured that Maureen could keep on doing that, telling their shared
story, while she was getting her pussy eaten.If she could tell Sherry’s story and hers, and Sherry had pretty much
told most of her own side, then …“Sherry, how about you do it …
The snow was falling gently without a whisper of wind
to affect the lazy path of the snowflakes as they
tumbled in the cool crisp winter night. Below, the
town was spread across the winter landscape everything
in view softened by the continuing snowfall. A quarter
moon barely lit the scene with a pale silver light.With a swoosh, the …
With her buttocks resting on her calves, she kneels in
the center of the hotel room; alone or not, she doesn’t
know. She can only feel the cool air blowing from the air
conditioner. Plugs stop her ears, and he has glued skin-
toned patches over her eyes. She appears eyeless because
of carefully applied make-up blending the patches into …
It was one of those cold December nights that made me wonder why I
stuck around at this job. I worked for the campuse police department
at a pretty large midwestern university. As part of my job I had to
stand on top of one of the dorm buildings and keep an eye on the
parking lots surrounding it. Lots …
Daisy locked the door and pulled the blanket round her naked body. It’s
roughness excited her skin and made her nipples tingle as she nestled into
the voluminous folds, rubbing her firm body against the coarse material and
smelling the strange but familiar odours so much part of her life.
It’s earthy scents mixed with the heady aromas surrounding her …
It was at sunset when she meant the most to him.They sat, always the same, on the porch outside her room. He brushed her
hair and pinned it back, careful to keep the curls lying flat against the
nape of her neck. She had always kept it like this when she had been
able to care for it herself. …
“Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me-e, happy
birthday to me!” I made sure Ethan knew I was home as I sang my way through
our apartment. Walking happily into our bedroom, I realized he wasn’t to be
I quickly took my clothes off and tossed them into the hamper. Flipping on
the bathroom …
“Hey there,” the pizza girl said, “David?”The question mark is part of the flirtatious game we play, this lovely
pizza girl and I. For about six months, at least once a week, I drop
by to pick up a pizza for the family. Usually she gives me a big
pepperoni pizza, although every so often, I manage to sneak …