The doorbell rings. You open it to find little Angela
standing there in shorts and a t-shirt. She is surprised
to see Tammy’s Daddy answer the door. She was expecting
Tammy.“Come on in Angela.”She enters, looking shy and uncomfortable. There are no males
at home in her household and You are most definitely male.
And big. “Can Tammy …
Generally speaking, Danny was a dumbshit. I guess it wasn’t really his
fault, but damn, he sure could be dense. I guess it was mostly a function
of his age and lack of worldly experience, after all, he was only
seventeen, and had lived his entire life thusfar in a small, backwards,
redneck town. Sometimes the shit he pulled was …
Amelia’s husband smiled, he wanted her back badly. If she could excite him
like that maybe she was worth hanging on to. After all, he could make a lot
of money out of her, he reasoned. “I’ll never treat you badly again, I
promise you that.” He took a deep breath before asking her, “Are you ready
to return home …
My wife was out of town for the week, which left me without much to do
besides watching TV or catching the basketball games on the radio. So when
rush hour hit, I headed to a nearby bar and sat at the rail to check out the
traffic, ordering a gin and tonic to pass the time. It was an …
My fingers told them of my urgency and they responded in the ways I
knew spoke of their own need.He, in his usual, direct, ‘I want you NOW’, fashion speared his nose
into my crotch and started licking and probing. He wanted one thing,
for me to roll over onto my knees and present myself for him.She, on …
Class had already started when they reached the gym, though just the
warmup. The Program rules allowed necessary protective gear, and the
two were allowed a white mesh jockstrap and a sports bra of the same
material, respectively.Fortunately (or perhaps unfortunately, from Kylie’s point of view),
the bra outlined and enhanced her breasts more than anything else, the
slight …
“You heard about Nancy Jenson, didn’t you?” I was out raking our front
yard and our neighbor Diane was talking to me. I hadn’t known she was
acquainted with Nancy Jenson and briefly wondered whether she was
talking about the one that I knew.“You know Nancy?” I finally asked.“Yes. You heard that she and her husband are separating, …
Her breasts were so soft._ If he could only get her shirt off, he knew
the touch of her skin would be even more incredible. He felt a touch of
discomfort, mixed with pleasure, from his erection pushing against her
leg. He wanted to free it from its confines._He was so hard._ If she could only get his pants …
I woke up slowly. Before I even opened my eyes, I realized that
something was feeling really good. I opened my eyes to see that Holly
was down at the foot of the bed, licking and kissing my cock. She smiled
up at me with a mischievous look in her green eyes. “Good morning,
Master,” she whispered before giving my …
Monday:Jeff said, “Thanks for coming over. I think I’m doing something
wrong. Can you help me?”“Sure,” Carol replied, “What’s going on?”“When I try to import a new document into the system, I’m getting
this weird error message. I’m not sure what it means.”“Let’s take a look. Oh, I see what that is. You aren’t doing anything…