Jay’s work as an installation specialist often took him out of
town, to wherever the customer’s home office was located. I was tired
of being left to my own resources at home, though, so when his company
landed a new client on the other coast I twisted Jay to let me tag
along. Once in flight, we flipped up the …
My name is Becky, and my life is about to change before your eyes.As often is the case these days, this story starts at the computer on my desk. I’ve grown tired of seeing my boyfriend stay up after me to play on our PC, so after he left for work today I decided to do a search of …
I’m sure it is very common for teenagers and guys in their 20s to fantasise about older women they know or see around. Some may be put off by the presence of a husband, but many will not. The first young guy to chat up my wife when we first started exploring this lifestyle was only 23, a regular customer …
Doug couldn’t believe he got himself in this situation again. Why couldn’t he just keep his big mouth shut? His wife didn’t take kindly to backtalk or to being late and he was guilty of both.“If you move your hands from that floor, you’ll get 50 strokes with the cane instead of this hairbrush. Do you understand, Mr. Smartmouth?” …
Kelly was still slowly stroking Tim’s dick, looking at the alarm clock and saw it was almost 11:30. Her eyes widened realizing she couldn’t do anything else tonight She quickly turned to look at the kids. “I need to get to bed so I can get up for work,” she exclaimed, letting go of Tim’s, semi-hard, dick, and rolled off …
I couldn’t believe what she had just told me! This was so HOT! How lucky could a guy get! At least that was kind of my thinking as the petite bikini clad brunette just ahead of me led me through the dunes of swaying beach grass. The trail was now passing through a thicket of tangled and stunted evergreens and …
Elena and Marco lay side by side in the late-summer heat, their
bodies bare and glistening both from nature’s own humidity and their
recent efforts in mutual pleasure. The wind made the lake’s waves
ripple and their picnic basket sat empty, the various bits of paper
wrap and emptied plates as much a testament to sated hunger as their
own …
I thought I’d do something deferent. Yes I still think I’m a bad author,
and I’m working on my writing skills. If you don’t like the story that’s
fine, I wrote it and it’s my own work. I’m willing to hear inputs from
others, good bad or otherwise.1. I know I’m having problems getting away from first person.2. …
I love it when my husband of ten years calls me
his pervert sex loving wife. Yes, I love it and have
ever since two months after we were married and
he popped my cherry and took my virginity. Not
just my virgin cunt, but also my virgin mouth and
ass on our wedding night.I guess it all started …
Walter owned a hotel, a Grand Hotel.
He was actually a minority stockholder, but his business
partners were interested in money, not hotels.
As long as profits remained adequate. It was his hotel.It was a miracle, Walter had never been busted for
sexual harassment. He regularly fucked the majority of his female
Perhaps he had escaped because it …