
Slave Raiders


Ragnor put down his empty cup with a thud. “I really don’t think he’s coming,” he said. “He’ll be here”, Kalhune replied. “I know he will.” “He was meant to be here yesterday!” Ragnor retorted. “How much longer do you want to wait?” Then he turned to a passing slave-waitress, “more beer please.” “Yes Master,” […]

Public sex with a shemale


I’m an ordinary guy, nothing special about me at all. Well, maybe my choice in women could set me apart from most. It all started one rainy afternoon in Northern California as I was driving home after a party I’d attended alone the day before. I’d stayed over at a friend’s house and after a […]

In Aunt’s Ass


When I woke up the next morning my aunt was not on the bed she was already in the kichen making breakfast for us.I was naked and was feeling a sensation building up down thinkinh about night event.She then came with a cup of tea and she noticed my semi erect cock and teased me […]

Outdoor sex on the fishing


“Let me go with you,” she wheedled. “I’ll paddle, and you can troll.” He sighed. “You know I prefer to fish alone.” She knew. She knew how he would go out for hours, leaving her with the children, whole weekends where she would see him for minutes a day. Weekends where, during the winter, he’d […]

Fulfilled cunt


I tried to hide in the shadows as I made my way down the dark street, nighttime coming much to fast, and me with really no place to go. My mom was drunk, again. I hated it when she started drinking because I could do nothing right. Her boyfriend was looking at me like I […]

Art of pussy lick and seduction


I don’t care what all the so called experts say, for me lesbianism was a choice rather than some inborn desire for girls. Maybe my choice was influenced by circumstances; certainly it wasn’t that I had some desire to be more “male like”. For a young girl living in a home with two very strict […]

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