He looked at the clock in the bottom left corner of his screen – 22:15. After a quick sigh, he clicked his left mouse button and sat back. From his right, his computer emitted a short eerie electronic wailing noise. “Still working.” he thought. “Still wasting my phone bill.” But he was not to realise […]
“Come on, baby, just relax. If you didn’t want it, why did you give me such a beautiful smile?” Frank caressed the young passerby’s face. He didn’t want to force her. He didn’t enjoy feeling like an asshole. So he just pretended that his body wasn’t pinning hers to the greasy pavement. He pretended that […]
She had been there before only once, and although it had been quite interesting and a new experience, it hadn’t been as completely sucessful as she had hoped. For one thing, it was the first time she had felt the touch and taste of another woman. For another, the other woman was also extremely sub, […]
After June got mad at me I didn’t see her for about two years although I
fanaticized about her a lot. Then one day I answered my phone and who
should be calling but June!! She told me that she had just gotten a new
computer and that she needed some help getting it set up and mastering
the word …
He hasn’t yet told me what to expect. All he said just now when he called
was that he was tired of me asking for more and that we’d just have to see
how much I really wanted… or could take.His instructions were to prepare a warm two quart enema, hang the bag on
the back of the door …
Buffy Summers was wrestling with a demon. That in itself was not terribly unusual. She was a Slayer, the Chosen
One, the latest in a long line of warriors born into the world to battle
evil. Fighting demons was something she had been trained to do. But nothing in her training could have prepared her for the
challenge she now …
Dear Phantasies, Last weekend I had an experience that was so incredible, I just had to share it with you and your readers. I’m a junior in college, but over the summer I stay at my parents’ place. One day last weeks my folks went to visit some family friends and, since I had nothing […]
The Tutor part 1: The Change Room The day it happened, I was hanging around the Rockwell’s yards, doing some lawn care. I worked maintenance for them for about 5 years now, more because I knew old man Rockwell than because of any landscaping abilities I have. It gave me a chance to hang out […]
“You want to, don’t you?” I could tell she did. I’m fluent in body language. As she stood there talking, her bent knee tended toward the desired object. She kept fluffing her hair – an unconscious gesture, but one that emphasised her desire. (The flop of blonde curls; the shoulder pulled back to thrust the […]
We sit side by side on the couch, the warmth of our bodies mingling together and the music in the background floats softly around us. My hands touch you, stroke you, caress you and still I cannot seem to get enough. I feel your hands upon me, the gentleness in your touch and when I […]