
Fucking Scarecrow by PleaseCain


Hers was a horrible night. Bunny showed up at Jesus Joe’s, where she didn’t need to be, where the people hanging out on his couch or the kitchen or downstairs look as strung-out as Keith Richards even when it’s not Halloween. Jesus Joe knows to keep an eye on her, that she’ll be vulnerable for […]

Extreme Scat with Jake and Tina


Jake Mathers was a sick man. Sick in the head that is. The demented product of an upper class upbringing that saw a few small yet distinct moments in his early childhood that turned him this way, he was now in his mid fortees and very perverted. It wasn’t just the fact that he lusted […]

Two giant black cock in my holes


This letter describes one of the most memorable visits of Carl and Eddy, the two giant black American lovers of my beautiful young albino wife. At the time of this visit the lads had not been down for nearly two months. They ad been on holiday and we went away on our vacation on the […]

Evening Song – Merlin (furry, M-vixen-F, rom)


“That’s the last of the guests.” Velvet sounded tired. “I’m glad it’s over with. What possessed him to do it, anyway?” The sounds coming from the kitchen stopped. Kay’s voice was tinged with gentle amusement when she answered Vels’ plaintive question. “He did it because he loves us both–and it was his way of telling […]

Friday chronicles V (humour)


Little Red Friday Hood by Arty Once upon a time in the far-away land of FDWritings there lived a young(ish) girl call Little Red Friday Hood. Why was she called this? Well since you ask so nicely I’ll tell you. Of course this will derail the story I was about to tell, but you did […]

Sex with Minnesota Twins


Dear Idiot, How are you? Never mind I don’t care, I just want to write you and complain about something that you wrote to a newsgroup that I found on google. I recently found your stories on the usenet, and even though they completely suck, I did a search to find more to read. Well, […]

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