
Basement Blessings


They InvadeI think it was the summer I was fourteen . . . or was it fifteen . . . but that’s not really important. What is important was that was the summer my Uncle and Aunt got their divorce. Things back then were different than they are now; there were no mandatory year long separations before a divorce …

Remove my panties to get through


Christmas. At least that’s my excuse. Party season, networking season. A client’s PR company threw a big thrash in some cool Covent Garden bar. “Cool” was funny, because cool was the *last* word you’d choose to describe that crowded, clattering cavern. The place was steaming. Full of laughter; of smoke; glasses clashing. The noisy babble of reckless, drunken people.Now …

Cat fight and cock fight


The last time that Ken wore a suit and tie was at _Le Buse Et Crachat_ and tugged at his tie uncomfortably as he entered the hall in a local firehouse where _DiSH_ were holding their New Year’s Eve party. Things were going well between him and Brenda. Though they didn’t come as a couple tonight, they had planned to …

Taming of Wonder Woman


The alarm klaxon shrilled through the laboratory as Wonder Woman sought out the intruder. She couldn’t understand why the lab seemed so empty. Dr. Roger Thornton was one of the Defense Department’s greatest scientists. Dozens of guards should have reached the lab before she arrived. Yet the lab was deserted. Ahead, she could hear muffled […]

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