I don’t want you to think I’m weird or anything. I just got curious about some things, and one thing kind of led to another… It started when I was dating a nurse by the name of Luke. No, that sounds wrong. I really don’t swing that way. I better back up. She was called […]
Louise was bold. Perhaps a little too bold for her own good, Joe thought. Twice now clients had come on to the floor and mistaken her for the department head. That’s the kind of manner she had. Clacking around in her patent leather stilettos like a high and mighty Diva. Fine. She can’t help it […]
Considering what the Federals had done to her and hers, Bertha
Evans felt that she had kept her feelings about them remarkably
impersonal. Although they had invaded her country, crippled her
brother, killed her fiance, stolen most of her family’s property
with that horrid “Emancipation Proclamation,” and were occupying
Twin Oaks at that very minute, she could express her opinions …
“But Mom, I love him.”“I’m sure you do, Sasha. All I’m saying is . . .”“You think it’s puppy love.”“I don’t either.” Helen thought it was closer to ‘bitch in heat’ than to
‘puppy love,’ but saying so would be a sure way to lose her daughter.
“Remember Steve?”“That was puppy love.”“I’m not so sure. …
I couldn’t fucking believe my wife. Here was this proud outspoken
black woman screwing and blowing a bunch of white guys for money. It
was just fucking amazing to see.Carlota crawled over to another one of my white bosses and dipped her
face down over his crotch, I looked wide eyed as another one of the
naked company executives …
On the Bus‘Beep – beep’ went the school bus. Dee grabbed her backpack and rushed
out to the bus. Staying true to what she had told her Mom and Carl, she
was naked. After saying hi to the bus driver, she saw Brandi, who was
sitting by herself toward the back of the bus. Dee went and sat …
“Man it was good to be finally on the open road and out of the traffic.”
I thought to myself. That bastard Bill! He’s so pussy whipped! Calls
at the last minute to say Shelly wanted to do something this weekend and
he couldn’t go on our trip. Shithead!We had been planning this trip for weeks and he bails …
Within a month they began a lifelong Thursday night tradition. Vin was reluctant, seeing no need, Kathy was adamant, making it clear their continued development, as a couple, depended on it. Having little choice in the matter, Vin had lunch, with a good friend, showing him the digital images, Kathy insisted he see, discussing the […]
I spent Thanksgiving at my brother’s house. Besides my brother, his darling wife, and me, the festivities included our parents, another brother, two sisters, everybody’s spouse, and rugrats all around. I was the only one single and childless. I always preferred it that way, but this year I was a little envious of them and […]
Maura shifted her briefcase on her shoulder, wishing like hell she’d remembered before leaving for the car dealership that today was Thursday. Wednesday was take-work-home-to-finish day. She didn’t mind Wednesdays. But Thursday was bring-all-the-printouts-and-binders-back-to-work day. Even with her car, she detested Thursdays. Without it, on the bus, she loathed them. All around her were all […]