category: 1st

First dates can have some surprises


Before I start this I better explain a few things first. I’m not gay, bi-curious, or attracted to men. However, I’m not a gay basher or against gays in any way. I’ve known some gay boys, and while they’ve never been close friends I talk with them sometimes. The reason for this disclaimer will become […]

Tied Up Virgins


Jody stopped at the steps and put her bag down. It was hot and the air felt thick and hard to breathe. She wiped her forehead and waited for her lungs to catch up, thinking, thinking… At least she wouldn’t have to watch her mother anymore. Doing those things with strangers she picked up in […]

Caving Sex: My First Time


I’m married now , but there was a time when I thought I’d never be married. In fact, just having a girlfriend beyond the one-date-every-6-months variety was almost beyond my experience. I was lonely and horny as hell, but I kept myself busy, mainly with hobbies and so-called adventure sports. The one “sport” I engaged […]

Untouched teens


“C’mon, Dee,” I tossed my friend a warm grin as I rolled over on her rumpled bed. “Don’t be so secretive.” My hands slid behind my head, making a makeshift pillow, as I swung my gaze back to her’s. Dee’s soft complexion quickly gave way to a deep crimson blush. “Why do you want to […]

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