I quickly learnt just how much she enjoyed being licked and teased and thrived on the challenge of pleasuring her with my tongue and lips.She appeared to have more erogenous zones than three other women combined.Licking and kissing her nipples her rock hard nipples would have her moaning with pleasure instantly.When driving in the motor car she …
All I wanted was a nice, safe, monogomous relationship.Of course in high school I was a simple guy, a bit
different from the rest of the people where I grew up.
I had a direction and a purpose; where most kids were
interested in going to parties and getting drunk (and
maybe a peek if they were lucky), I …
“I’m from Central Cable Company,” the voice in the intercom said, “you called in and saying you ‘re having a problem with your reception!!!” “I’ll buzz you in,” Erin replied, “I’m in apartment 1308, come right on up!!!” “Finally,” Erin said to her room mate, Shawna, “you don’t realize how much you miss television until you don’t have it!!!” Shawna …
Neither Jena or Lisi had ever been into space. The closest they came was their flight simulation exercises at the now destroyed Onderon Academy. Even though the girls were bound and blindfolded on the drop ship, they both could tell through the Force when the ship passed through the atmosphere and into the inky darkness of outer space. Somehow both …
I was nineteen years old when my favorite cousin got married. She went all out in the week leading up to the wedding – parties every night, alcohol wherever you looked, and she even provided rooms for everyone who was in the wedding to stay in every night that week. It was especially awesome for me, because my best friend …
This is a truer story than you might think. It really
happen, and believe it or not I add nothing to it that
didn’t happen.Several years ago, I held a summer job at an amusement
park. I was a local college student home for the off-
season, and lived near the park. In addition to many
“townies” like myself, …
This story is dedicated to Melanie – she knows why.For some time I have had the good fortune to be
employed in a job which gave me ample time and scope
to pursue my interests. I am interested in women and
girls so it will not surprise you to learn that as a
Caretaker of a girl’s secondary school …
“What are we going to do with that girl,” a very frustrated Marie Downs asked her husband, “she’s eighteen years old and still can’t stop touching herself in public!?!” “Don’t look at me, dear,” Ed Downs replied quickly, “if you wanna say something to her, go ahead, but leave me out of it!!!” “Some help you are,” Marie said with …
I reached walmart tonight to run errands. Basically, I needed some food, toilet paper, and some car stuff for my older brother.The weather was horrible. Thunder was clapping into the sky. Inside Walmart, the lightning seemed as if it was shooting the store up.Anyway, I was getting my groceries quickly because the loudspeaker announced that the store will …
When I first got married, I honestly thought I could remain faithful to my husband Jared. I was wild and sex crazy before we met, and I was sure I had gotten that out of my system. But not long into our marriage I realized that one dick would never be enough for a cock craving little slut like me.…