The day began like any other. Moira was awakened the insistant beeping of
the alarm clock sitting on the nightstand next to her bed. She groaned
slightly as she started to rise. She HATED mornings! As she went to swing
her legs off the side of the bed, her right ankle came to a stop in midair.
Attached to the …
I glanced up from my drink and saw her across the bar. She was the one
for tonight. Dark brown hair with a few lighter streaks falling just
past her shoulders. Cute face, just a little round in that baby fat
sort of way. Her eyes suggested a small amount of Asian heritage, but
the bright blue color stood out …
My wife, Sherry, is generally quiet and proper. But even so, she absolutely loves sex with me, though in a sweet, affectionate way. She actually can’t seem to get enough. But there have been a few times that she has *really* surprised me. The first time was before we were married. We had been living together a few weeks and …
Boarding flight 253 for Denver, the loudspeaker
screamed. I hurriedly gathered my things and moved
toward the gate. It had been 5 years since I had seen
my Mom and her husband. I had been studying in Hawaii. My longtime dream had finally come true of becoming
doctor. I had completed my residency and now I was a
full fledged …
I thought for a couple of days about Nadia’s fantasies trying to decide which one to make happen for her. I wanted to keep it as much of a surprise for her as I could. I was enjoying the thoughts of watching my fiancé live out her nympho dirty fantasies. Then I decided when I looked at the calendar. I …
A new year in university — back to residence. Since I was a third year
now, I got an actual choice in where I could live. I chose the same room
as last year… after all, it had all sorts of pleasant memories for me. My friend Sharla had wanted me to move out into an apartment with her, but…
Stacy always liked to have money spent on her. But her mom didn’t have any money, so it was good that the guy down the street liked to spend money on her. The fact that he expected things in return didn’t really bother her. It was kinda gross, because he was way older than her, but he usually did his …
“DON”T leave the kitchen sink in such a mess like
that!” “What mess? Its just a few leftover soap suds.” “It drives me nuts.” Well, she drives me nuts, too. Once again, I couldn’t get anything right. Why can’t
she just chill out, lighten up, stay cool, or whatever
slang the youth of today would use to describe it? It …
“How did the interviews go?” asked Kathy, unbuttoning her blouse.
Sitting on their bed, Jeff looked up, still lost in thought. “Did
you find someone to help you?” “Nope,” he said, watching calmly as his wife unclasped her bra.
“Tomorrow will be looking at four more applicants.” Caught
boyishly by the sight of Kathy’s naked breasts, Jeff smiled slightly. “That’s …
As we drove to the school, I decided to see if Mark would answer a question.Mark? I began.Yes, he responded, still looking out the window.Why are you doing this? I asked.Doing what?Doing this to me, I continued. I mean, at first before this started I
thought you might have a crush or infatuation for me, …