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category: Blowjob

Anniversary Vacation with wife sharing and swinging



“I saw this, too.”Stan’s hand began searching for, then finding, the side hem of the sarong.Helen tilted her head, eyes closed, as Stan’s mouth found that wonderful hollow in her neck below her ear, that special place that excites her. Already she was coloring – her pale skin took on a red glow.Now he had one hand …

Husband admits infidelity, only to find out that wife has been getting around the neighborhood



Earlier this year my husband came forward and spoke to me about a brief period of time when he was unfaithful to our marriage. He told me about how there was a young woman working in his office for an extended delegation from another office, and that during her stay, there were several times that they had sex. He told …

A tough woman finds a man she can respect and immediately tries him out for size



I was fuming when I slammed the door to the bar. The big hairy bouncer making me leave. The skinny geek was being held back by his friends as I exited, screaming curses holding his bleeding head. Dork deserved getting smacked in the head with that bottle. “No one, but no one cops a feel off Louise Kelly Bishop without …

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