While everyone else remained passed out from the exertion of the
night, the three Mandingos gathered their gear and saddled four
horses. They had decided to desert with this prize white slut and
really show her what penetration was.While two took care of the gear the third, a giant at nearly seven
feet in height, gathered up the limp …
“I saw this, too.”Stan’s hand began searching for, then finding, the side hem of the
sarong.Helen tilted her head, eyes closed, as Stan’s mouth found that wonderful
hollow in her neck below her ear, that special place that excites her.
Already she was coloring – her pale skin took on a red glow.Now he had one hand …
Teri Watson sat on the bed and trembled. She was still partially clad, with her sheer up-lift bra and her brief panties and half-slip, but the way the men were looking at her told her that she would not be like that for long.
All around the bed, the men gathered, standing around, their hands in their pockets, grinning at …
Cyndi had been driving me crazy all week. My younger sister, I had to admit, was one of the sexiest women I had ever known, and she wasn’t modest about showing off her sexiness. She also wasn’t very modest about showing off her body, which was incredible. Cyndi’s tits were large and smoothly formed, some of the nicest tits I …
I’d watched Cyndi take plenty of showers, but for some reason this one turned me on even more. I knew quite well that the bathroom we shared was easy to peek into. There was a very wide gap between the sliding door and the jamb, and that made it easy for me to spy on Cyndi as she rubbed herself …
“Adam, where are we going?”“To the planetarium.”“Um it’s the middle of the night. Isn’t the planetarium closed?”A mischievous grin. “Well, we won’t have to worry about it being crowded
then, will we?”We walked hand in hand through the still and starless night, a night almost as
beautiful as she was. Not many women are flattered by …
I’d just turned 40 and had one of those events, I’m not
going to call it a crisis, where I seriously examined
my life and I was not happy with what I saw. I was 40
and single, seeing nobody, going nowhere. I had a place
to live and a good job but took no joy from them, just
a …
The next day was Saturday and in the morning Lauren and Jim hardly talked to each other. Lauren spent most of the day shopping downtown, and then late in the afternoon she returned home and she and Jim were alone in the living room.
“Too many people downtown,” Lauren said with a shrug. “I hate crowds.”
Jim watched her as …
Earlier this year my husband came forward and spoke to me about a brief period of time when he was unfaithful to our marriage. He told me about how there was a young woman working in his office for an extended delegation from another office, and that during her stay, there were several times that they had sex. He told …
I was fuming when I slammed the door to the bar. The
big hairy bouncer making me leave. The skinny geek was
being held back by his friends as I exited, screaming
curses holding his bleeding head. Dork deserved getting
smacked in the head with that bottle. “No one, but no one cops a feel off Louise Kelly Bishop
without …