Richard and Clarice had a wild couple of sensual interactions leaving Richard physically and emotionally worn out, Clarice satisfied beyond her dreams and the neighborhood changed forever. After the weekend adventure things began returning to normal; Richard was quiet at home with few interruptions, Clarice found a job and was figuring out her duties. Richard missed Clarice during the week …
“You’ve been screwing both of us?!” Lyla spoke first. My eyes widened in terror, and my mouth opened as if I had a response that didn’t exist yet. “Well?” My eyes shifted between the two of them, Lyla was clearly mad, but Shelby looked hurt.“Yes.” Was all I could utter. They both stared at me, expecting me to elaborate.…
Nancy started to pull her white vest together. “I guess I better go
“Oh, please! Not yet!” Mr. Milton begged.
“Well, my friend Chrissie is waiting for me in the cab.”
“But just a few more minutes,” he said.
“No, I better –”
“I’ll give you some more money.”
“Well, how much have I made so far, sir?”
“Over …
Night was starting to envelope the French countryside. The spectacular
sunset was gone, and the first stars were starting to peek out. The shadows
lengthened, covering the vineyards that stretched across the hills, and few
and far-between, centuries old stone buildings nestled in those hills. Some
looked abandoned, but as lights winked on here and there, others proved to be…
His balls bounce against my nose as he brushes his
cock across my cheek. He moves his dick toward my mouth and runs it
over my lips. He says, “Lick it, baby…”My tongue emerges between my lips and touches the hot flesh of his
cockhead. I push my tongue out further and slide it along the bottom
of his …
wake with the sun filtering through the window. I was sleeping nude, which is unusual for me. I can hear deep breathing, coming from a body in the bed next to me. Definitely unusual. As I surface from sleep, things begin to come back into focus. I am on a nudist cruise with Ricky and his mother. Hey, this is …
This is not exactly about lightning striking in the same place twice, but
it’s close.
In the middle of November of the year after he met Mary Nelson, George
Chitwood went past the Greyhound station after work on Friday. No, you haven’t
been here before, not exactly. He did this a couple of times a month for some
years, especially …
For the next two days Ryan was on pens and needles. This is worse than
waiting for Christmas, he thought to himself. Still, the presents are well
worth the wait.Ryan had given a lot of thought to what he was going to do. He knew that if
he weren’t careful, the changes he was thinking about for his roommates…
I met Kelly, in of all places, an overgrown
churchyard. I had been roped into helping out with a ground-
clearance scheme, to get this neglected churchyard back into
some sort of reasonable condition. There were quite a number
of helpers, including several whom I knew. I noticed this girl in her twenties, attractive,
slim but by no means skinny, …
A few weeks ago, my wife Krista and I attended a party
at her friend’s home. It was an informal affair, just
drinks and snacks. There were about 9 or 10 couples
there, all of us married and in our late twenties. It
was a holiday weekend and everyone was drinking quite a
bit. The host had made arrangements so …