category: Cheating

Manly massage


Bachchu’s fingers slowly approached my neck. I was wearing a mangalsutra (a kind of gold necklace with black beads – a sign of married Indian ladies) and perhaps that was causing a bit of hindrance to his massage. He asked me if I would remove my mangalsutra. Unlike other Indian ladies, I am free from […]

Swapping Faces Cock Rings


“The first Face is always the “Deep bite Gothic breast” what a movie set. Her Goth guitar will he rob her love strings what color is her love star? Bloody red salad shredded or crimson and clover is my life over? Will I regret it? We need better communication with the sin of temptation. She […]

Married 25 year old man searches for an experience to satisfy him


I open a large dark chestnut door and step into a long hallway, not much wider or taller than myself. The door shuts behind me. Large grey stones of varied shapes and sizes cover the walls, floors, and ceiling of the hall. It’s pretty dark, but at the end I can see a group of […]

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