The turbulent storm was raging outside, just as it had been almost all
day. The humidity and the pounding of the rain were making me sleepy
and tired. Just plain old groggy. I decided to retire to my bedroom for a
nap until the showers had ended. I was too weary to continue working
on the business project that was …
It was cold. She could hear the crunching of broken glass beneath her
feet as she shuffled about uneasily in the doorway. There was a radio
playing in a building a few doors down, towards the main road. She hoped
that whoever it was that was listening to the music wouldn’t be able to
overhear her. It felt like she’d …
Shawnie and Eddie had been living together for a long time.
Naturally neither of them knew much about the other except for the
fact that they loved eachother to death. One morning, Eddie had to
get up early and go to work. he got up, kissed Shawnie on the lips and
fixed a quick bite to eat and left without …
You walk in the front door and hang up your coat. After closing the
door, you hear the music coming from my bedroom. Oh, god, she’s
playing that song again. You walk down the hallway towards my room,
thinking you’ll talk me into dinner or something. You are tired and just
don’t want to listen to this stuff. As you …
I don’t want you to think I’m weird or anything. I just got curious about some things, and one thing kind of led to another… It started when I was dating a nurse by the name of Luke. No, that sounds wrong. I really don’t swing that way. I better back up. She was called […]
Jennifer made it home shortly after the first snow flakes started to
fall in what would turn out to be a wicked blizzard. Good thing too as
her sports car doesn’t operate well on anything other than bare, dry
pavement.“It’s soooo cold out there,” she said, and after welcoming hugs from
her mother and I she tossed her coat …
“So,” her voice was a horse whisper. “Do you want to come back to my
place and have sex with me?” she looked across at me.
I looked up shocked. Then I recovered my composure. “Why?” I asked,
putting an edge in my voice.
She smiled, almost giggled, “What do you mean?”
“I mean, what’s the point, Alexandra?” I looked …
Sales, thought Jeff, is hell. This insight into the universe came to him on the 8:00 night
flight to Chicago, a trip which had forced the cancellation of his
annual Valentine’s Day date with his wife. With their dual careers, it
was hard enough to get time together for a quiet evening, much less a
special occasion. Nancy was lecturing …
She was breathless. I could smell the intermingled perfumes of Justine
and the girl, underlined with a deeper musk.
Justine leant forward and pressed her lips briefly to mine.
Then turned her head towards the girl.
The girl opened her eyes and they smiled at each other; so close their
noses were almost touching.
“Oh, my,” the girl was breathless. …
A sea mist rose slowly off the placid surface of the calm sea,
and the darkening sun hung, paused in its slow western descent. The
moment hung too, an idyllic hiatus in the flurry of life. The
coastline was deserted except for one sole, slim, figure. The
olive-skinned girl watched the sunset in silence; she gazed at
the western horizon. …