They InvadeI think it was the summer I was fourteen . . . or was it fifteen . . . but
that’s not really important. What is important was that was the summer my
Uncle and Aunt got their divorce. Things back then were different than
they are now; there were no mandatory year long separations before a
divorce …
In the dark, the cold sucked the warmth from Glen as he lay on the
ground near the edge of the woods. The ground had begun to give
up its heat at the end of September as nights cooled down. By the
end of October, the ground was cold. Lying upon it, the ground felt
like ice. The night air …
Friday Afternoon The four of them were packing the van. The cooler was full of soft drinks, a big jug of margaritas and lots of ice. It was heavy and Henry was sweating freely while helping his son carry it to the van. The girls were following, their arms over loaded with grocery bags full […]
It was a warm autumn evening in New Orleans, and the air was thick with the scent of jambalaya and the distant sound of jazz. I was sitting at the bar in The Spotted Cat, nursing a Sazerac, when she walked in. Her name was Isabella, a sultry brunette with olive skin, fiery eyes, and curves that could make a …
OK, as I discussed in the top of “The Bath –
Response to The Hot Tub (F solo)”, Sevin is now the
proud owner of some new toys, which I think both
scare and excite her. I can’t believe she could have
lived this much of her life and not had any erotic
toys! I had to stick to small …
Karen shivered in the cool breeze as she turned off the pathway and down
a shortcutto her college. She was 19, a freshman and just beginning to come to
terms with sex.Her parents had been strict Catholics and she hadn’t even started dating
till she wasseventeen. She was still a virgin, though she was determined to change…
My hubby and I were treating ourselves to dinner and a night at the Hilton in Sydney (Australia) back in the early 1980’s. It was my 23rd birthday and I had a little too much to drink and was feeling rather disinhibited and horny. At dinner, my hubby slipped his hands up my wet knickers, and teasingly caressed my clit …
Brian: Good afternoon. I’m Brian Gumball.
Katie: And I’m Katie Cutetrick, broadcasting from
Athens, Greece, site of the 2004 sex Olympics.
Brian: Sex is just a demonstration sport this year,
but the International Sex Committee hope to have it
instated as a medal sport for 2008 in Beijing . NBC
Sports is broadcasting from the male female venue,
today. You …
The summer was ending and Ken hadn’t been to a _DiSH_ social event since
the Memorial Day Picnic a few months ago. That day was one of the most
memorable events in his recent life. He had joined one of Amy’s risqué games
and had ended up with Jenna, the group’s sexpot (every college class, company
department, and social group …
Attention Dr. Kent Segumi,Last month while exploring a dusty bookshop in Camden Town England I
discovered a very pecululair manuscript dated 1872.The old man at the counter said he could offer no information on the
book. Since the condition was very poor, many pages missing, some pages
illegible due to water damage, and the leather cover cracked and …