They had known each other since the beginning of time. They even had the
picture of them together in the hospital nursery. They celebrated their
common birthday together every year. This year was hard for he was in
boarding school. He snuck out and met her in town. As was their tradition
since they were four, they went to the …
The doctor was leaning over the patient. A white male, age forty-six,
six-three in height, and two-forty in weight. And the proud owner of
thirty-seven stitches along the scalp line on the upper left side of
his head.
As he cut the last bit of thread, he said to his patient, “The
officers will want to talk to you in …
“Why are you following me?”My voice caught; I was much too nervous to answer. I wanted, needed to
ask her out, but I felt too shy. I first saw her standing on the bus.
Couldn’t miss her actually. I was seated and, the bus being crowded, she
had to stand. She stood with her back to me, her backside …
The sun gradually dipped below the horizon, imparting first an inky twilight
upon the landscape and then a humid darkness. Mosquitoes, which were
particularly heavy this season thanks to a wet winter without many frosts,
made their appearance as well, feasting on the legs and arms of the guests.
The temperature dropped from the low nineties to the low eighties …
“It will be splendid to have a fine, strong young man about the house,
Mr. Brandywine,” said Mrs. Dalrymple, as she took Corky’s hands in
hers.There was something unnerving about the half-smile that darted across
her face as she looked at him sidelong. Corky didn’t quite remember
the moment when he had agreed to become a boarder at Mrs. …
As I lay in bed after my first orgasm ever, plus especially since it
was my friend next to me on the bed. I was speechless for one of the
few times in my life. I had no clue what to say. “Thanks for the
orgasm”, somehow that just didn’t seem fitting. As it turned out I
didn’t have to …
By now customary, Sammy awoke with his member in Kate’s mouth. He
stretched languidly, feeling her pleasing tongue but unlike the first
time, not yet ready to climax. Daylight streamed in the windows. Fully
clothed in her maid’s uniform, she bent over the side of the bed,
studying him from the corner of her eye.The pleasure ended as she …
Boarding flight 253 for Denver, the loudspeaker
screamed. I hurriedly gathered my things and moved
toward the gate. It had been 5 years since I had seen
my Mom and her husband. I had been studying in Hawaii. My longtime dream had finally come true of becoming
doctor. I had completed my residency and now I was a
full fledged …
I was on a business trip over the New Year and I went to a local club to enjoy the festivities and hoping to get my cock at least sucked!I drank and chatted with folks and I ended up speaking to a woman named Lisa. She told me that she was 28 and her husband Steve was 30 and …
Eva watched her parents’ car disappear as it turned the corner. She
stepped away from the window and drew the blinds, blocking out the
sunlight. Her parents had just left on a weekend getaway to northern
Minnesota, leaving her home alone for the next two days. It had taken some
pleading because her parents were understandably reluctant about leaving
their …