Eva watched her parents’ car disappear as it turned the corner. She
stepped away from the window and drew the blinds, blocking out the
sunlight. Her parents had just left on a weekend getaway to northern
Minnesota, leaving her home alone for the next two days. It had taken some
pleading because her parents were understandably reluctant about leaving
their …
A new year in university — back to residence. Since I was a third year
now, I got an actual choice in where I could live. I chose the same room
as last year… after all, it had all sorts of pleasant memories for me. My friend Sharla had wanted me to move out into an apartment with her, but…
My name is Amie, and I’d like to say I’m your average all-American teen, but I’m not. At you might say I’m sexy as hell, with a body that will make anyone get wet. I have spectacular breasts, and I love to walk with my chest pushed out, like I’m clearing the way as I walk for everyone to stand …
It all has started with the renovation. We have lived in
our house ever since I was born, and that was fifteen
years before these events, so it became really
necessary, the renovation. And while I was sitting in my
room one afternoon I’ve overheard mom from her bedroom
giggling, and a murmur of the repairman. And then mom
said …
“DON”T leave the kitchen sink in such a mess like
that!” “What mess? Its just a few leftover soap suds.” “It drives me nuts.” Well, she drives me nuts, too. Once again, I couldn’t get anything right. Why can’t
she just chill out, lighten up, stay cool, or whatever
slang the youth of today would use to describe it? It …
A whole lot of good luck came showering down on my mom in one week, and some of it splattered onto me as well, making me feel very lucky and very happy. She went to work one Monday morning and by mid-afternoon she had in her possession a letter promoting her to a managerial position with a considerable hike in …
As we drove to the school, I decided to see if Mark would answer a question.Mark? I began.Yes, he responded, still looking out the window.Why are you doing this? I asked.Doing what?Doing this to me, I continued. I mean, at first before this started I
thought you might have a crush or infatuation for me, …
While everyone else remained passed out from the exertion of the
night, the three Mandingos gathered their gear and saddled four
horses. They had decided to desert with this prize white slut and
really show her what penetration was.While two took care of the gear the third, a giant at nearly seven
feet in height, gathered up the limp …
“I saw this, too.”Stan’s hand began searching for, then finding, the side hem of the
sarong.Helen tilted her head, eyes closed, as Stan’s mouth found that wonderful
hollow in her neck below her ear, that special place that excites her.
Already she was coloring – her pale skin took on a red glow.Now he had one hand …
Ellen woke up to pain. Throbbing through her back, a cruel reminder
of reality. She turned her head to check the drip and discovered she
was extremely weak. The bags were empty but she had no way to know
when they had run out. She tried to disconnect the wires and tubes
but found it impossible. She barely had the …