I couldn’t believe what was happening! I was watching another man fuck
my wife, and it was turning me on!Alison was kneeling on the rug in front of the fire with her naked ass
in the air, supporting herself on her elbows as Andy screwed her doggy
fashion. Her tits where swinging wildly as he rammed into her, each …
John Bell coughed and glanced nervously at the banker and railroad man, who
were both blowing big billowing clouds of cigar smoke as they sat in the
hallway outside the master bedroom, waiting their turn with Rachel. Harris had
been in there a long time. John hadn’t even bothered to glance at his pocket
watch. Ever since that moment of …
When I wrote “Anna, Susan, Sandra, Sis, and me”, it was a personal
experiment writing a story as dialog only. I didn’t get much feedback but
three out of the four letters asked for a sequel to the story. This was
never my intention but when I read the story again, I realised that the
story and characters held promises …
Detective Lansing removed his black hat and lightly knocked on the
apartment door. A few moments later, the door slowly opened.“Can I help you,” a girl behind the door asked, suspiciously.The detective noticed that she had a cute face. She looked to be a
woman of about twenty years old with shoulder length brown hair and
stylish eyeglasses.…
For a while we just served small talk back and forth. Do you
like your work I asked? It’s okay. I did the same thing at the
last place I worked so I’m use to it.
All during her responses I just watched her. Her almond shaped
dark brown eyes. Her slender straight nose. She had high cheek
bones attached …
It was working out quite well. I had hired Niki for
one of my staff positions a couple months before. She
was a little light on experience but made up for that
with maturity and attitude. Since I couldn’t get my
boss to pay market wages, I was quite happy to have
Niki.Niki was divorced and trying to build …
It had been a long day of teaching and he was tired and ready for a
beer when he arrived at his house. There was a strange car parked in
front of it as he arrived. As he parked he saw that it was one of his
students, a young woman who had been struggling in his accounting
class. He …
“Hey there,” the pizza girl said, “David?”The question mark is part of the flirtatious game we play, this lovely
pizza girl and I. For about six months, at least once a week, I drop
by to pick up a pizza for the family. Usually she gives me a big
pepperoni pizza, although every so often, I manage to sneak …
They had known each other since the beginning of time. They even had the
picture of them together in the hospital nursery. They celebrated their
common birthday together every year. This year was hard for he was in
boarding school. He snuck out and met her in town. As was their tradition
since they were four, they went to the …
“Why are you following me?”My voice caught; I was much too nervous to answer. I wanted, needed to
ask her out, but I felt too shy. I first saw her standing on the bus.
Couldn’t miss her actually. I was seated and, the bus being crowded, she
had to stand. She stood with her back to me, her backside …