The sun gradually dipped below the horizon, imparting first an inky twilight
upon the landscape and then a humid darkness. Mosquitoes, which were
particularly heavy this season thanks to a wet winter without many frosts,
made their appearance as well, feasting on the legs and arms of the guests.
The temperature dropped from the low nineties to the low eighties …
By now customary, Sammy awoke with his member in Kate’s mouth. He
stretched languidly, feeling her pleasing tongue but unlike the first
time, not yet ready to climax. Daylight streamed in the windows. Fully
clothed in her maid’s uniform, she bent over the side of the bed,
studying him from the corner of her eye.The pleasure ended as she …
Boarding flight 253 for Denver, the loudspeaker
screamed. I hurriedly gathered my things and moved
toward the gate. It had been 5 years since I had seen
my Mom and her husband. I had been studying in Hawaii. My longtime dream had finally come true of becoming
doctor. I had completed my residency and now I was a
full fledged …
I thought for a couple of days about Nadia’s fantasies trying to decide which one to make happen for her. I wanted to keep it as much of a surprise for her as I could. I was enjoying the thoughts of watching my fiancé live out her nympho dirty fantasies. Then I decided when I looked at the calendar. I …
I was on a business trip over the New Year and I went to a local club to enjoy the festivities and hoping to get my cock at least sucked!I drank and chatted with folks and I ended up speaking to a woman named Lisa. She told me that she was 28 and her husband Steve was 30 and …
It all has started with the renovation. We have lived in
our house ever since I was born, and that was fifteen
years before these events, so it became really
necessary, the renovation. And while I was sitting in my
room one afternoon I’ve overheard mom from her bedroom
giggling, and a murmur of the repairman. And then mom
said …
“DON”T leave the kitchen sink in such a mess like
that!” “What mess? Its just a few leftover soap suds.” “It drives me nuts.” Well, she drives me nuts, too. Once again, I couldn’t get anything right. Why can’t
she just chill out, lighten up, stay cool, or whatever
slang the youth of today would use to describe it? It …
I couldn’t move for a moment as I looked up at Peter.
(By the way, Peter looks just like Chuck Norris to me,
except his hair is a reddish-blonde color and he’s
much younger. He even wears a closely cropped beard
just like Norris.) Then I realized that I had my boy-
friend’s erect cock in my hand and that …
Sunday morning found the William’s household much more relaxed and content. For Chad and Julie, the sexual tensions surrounding their daughter was now defused, since they both admitted to mentally lusting after their sexy, teenage, daughter. The two shared knowing glances when Samantha came into the kitchen for breakfast wearing only a skimpy t-shirt. When she stood at the counter …
“I saw this, too.”Stan’s hand began searching for, then finding, the side hem of the
sarong.Helen tilted her head, eyes closed, as Stan’s mouth found that wonderful
hollow in her neck below her ear, that special place that excites her.
Already she was coloring – her pale skin took on a red glow.Now he had one hand …