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category: Cum Swallowing

A tough woman finds a man she can respect and immediately tries him out for size



I was fuming when I slammed the door to the bar. The big hairy bouncer making me leave. The skinny geek was being held back by his friends as I exited, screaming curses holding his bleeding head. Dork deserved getting smacked in the head with that bottle. “No one, but no one cops a feel off Louise Kelly Bishop without …

THE BOSS’S SLUT – Bitches In Heat



It was clear to me just how much Mr. and Mrs. Woodburn discussed things related to me the very next weekend when I was once again invited to share an intimate weekend with them at their estate.I arrived well after Mr. Woodburn, wanting to finish up some office issues so the weekend could be relaxing. Arriving by taxi, I …

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