I was excited in sharing my wife with another man. We used to do this quite frequently until she got an infection from one of our encounters. Even though it was cleared up immediately with some penicillin, she was hesitant, and reluctant to ever do it again.This decision took a significant amount of joy and thrill out of our …
For the next two days Ryan was on pens and needles. This is worse than
waiting for Christmas, he thought to himself. Still, the presents are well
worth the wait.Ryan had given a lot of thought to what he was going to do. He knew that if
he weren’t careful, the changes he was thinking about for his roommates…
A few weeks ago, my wife Krista and I attended a party
at her friend’s home. It was an informal affair, just
drinks and snacks. There were about 9 or 10 couples
there, all of us married and in our late twenties. It
was a holiday weekend and everyone was drinking quite a
bit. The host had made arrangements so …
Before I start you have to understand that neither my
husband nor I had any intention or even conversation
about swinging before this vacation. We are married now
for 10 years and have two kids. As most couples with kids
after a family vacation there wasn’t much time or money
left over for just a couple’s retreat, so we hadn’t…
It was a beautiful Summer Day. Marsha Brady and her
Sister Jan, were out in their back yard sunbathing.
Their Step Dad had had the good sense to have a very
high privacy fence, built around the back yard. The way
the yard was set up. There was a small section behind
the garage that was especially private. The kids …
My name is Ashley and my best friend’s name is Sarah;
we’re both the same age (17 at the time this story
happened), and we’ve known each other since we were in
elementary school, so we seldom spent much time apart
as we grew up. During the summer between our 10th and 11th grades,
though, I went on a long …
It was Friday morning, I was on my way to school while
mom and dad were on their way to Las Vegas for two
weeks. Mom told me to mind my sister, and that Pam, my
older sister, would be stopping in from time to time to
check on us. I said ok and as they ran out the door …
She couldn’t deny that she wanted him insider her,
plunging into her depths, while at the same time she
wished she had the strength to resist that need. He
held back however, and Terri could barely contain
herself as she felt him gently caressing her engorged
flesh with his tip. She found herself humping back
against him, moving her hips …
Like most people, I grew up believing that the trick to
getting ahead in life is to go to college and get an
education. Well, I got an education, all right, but it
wasn’t in any classroom. As it turned out, I learned
my biggest lesson right in my own damn apartment.It was my senior year, and I had …
I just cannot understand why Diana has so many
“accidents” since she has become my wife. Before, she
never … I guess that’s confusing, so let me start
over.My name is Steve and I’m a retired military officer.
For copyright reasons, I can’t tell you my last name
or Diana’s maiden name. I had been in love with Diana…