Without hesitation, Lisa stood up, breast mounds jiggling
with the movement, and knelt on the floor, facing her friend. Their
hands went to each others’ breasts and I watched as their eager
fingers pulled at each pink and erect nipple as mine had done, smiles
of pleasure spreading over their faces. Busy little hands circled and
caressed each other, creating …
Often it’s the little things that change your life. Two
lines of an old song, a trace of scent you all but
forgot existed, a face in a crowd looking just like
someone you knew and cared about… It sparks a
thought, encourages a gesture, the little gears get in
motion, the synapses start firing. The change is just
an …
“That is unfortunate–for you. For me, it is most
Hazun’s prick had risen to an amazing stand as he looked at
the mem-sahib with the golden hair. Knowing that the sahib’s hand
was playing between her secret places made Hazun want to bend
beneath the table and sneak a peek. Only Hazun knew he would
immediately be suspect if …
Jon was “in charge” that week…we swap back and forth for a
week at a time being the head of the house. Jon was off from work but
I had to go in on midnight shift that Friday night…I knew he had
something planned for me but I didn’t know what it would turn out to
be…he had used me …
It soon became a ritual, coming home after work on Friday’s
and logging on. I check the newsgroups, the email, the web,
but find nothing exciting. I visited chat rooms only to get
bombarded with horny guys wanting cybersex.One day I tried the “Truth or Dare” room. I got one
message, from someone near me. We did some laughable …
Whiling away my time seemed to be happening more and more lately. I was at a point where I had hit a slump in my education and instead of going to classes was spending a lot of time with friends.I was hanging with my good friend Geri (sometimes we called her “Jer”, but she always smacked us hard for …
Ana stood rooted in the doorway to the bedroom, watching Ryan fuck his
sister, hard. She couldn’t move; she just watched him slam his cock, a
good-sized one at that, into Amanda’s pussy. They were brother and sister,
and they shouldn’t be fucking each other. When Ana had taken the job she
had expected to see the Harris family have …
The next morning Ana was having a cup of coffee with Tanya in the
kitchen when she told her about sleeping with Ryan. “Don’t you just love a big dick?” said Tanya, smiling. “Michael’s is
even bigger.” “Yeah, I’ve seen it.” “But you’ve got to feel it inside you, it’s just wonderful.” At that moment Mrs. Harris breezed through the …
There’s nothing quite like the exhaustion that comes with moving furniture. But if you have the right equipment and some good friends, you won’t be so gassed after moving a refrigerator up two steps. That was the situation I was in Wednesday afternoon, as my friends helped me move into my new place, my own house in a quiet neighborhood …
I married Jane when we were both still in college, a
little over ten years ago. They have been a great ten
years. I just had my 32nd birthday, and Jane’s is in a
couple of months.Jane still looks fantastic. We walk or cycle almost
everyday, and she teaches an aerobic class at the
community center. He body is …