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category: FF

How to Catch a Pixie



I’d wanted her since the first time I saw her. With that cute blond pixie haircut and those impossible blue eyes, she was irresistable. Her smile was the kind that could light up a room and her body was slender but deliciously curved. Her name was Megan. We had a class together with an informal professor who didn’t care where …

A troubled woman tries to seduce her psychiatrist only to be taught a lesson



“Do you want to fuck me?” she asked quietly from the dark leather chair where she was seated. She’d been sitting silently, relaxed, just watching him for some time before she finally spoke.He sat safely behind his oversized desk and looked at her. Petite. Long blonde hair. Her legs tucked under herself. She possessed the most kissable lips that …

A Burning Fever



I kicked at the soaked sheets, trying to disentangle them from my sweaty legs. They were all twisted up, but I managed to pull my feet free and roll over onto my side. I knew that in a very short time I would be shivering so badly that I’d be forced to pull the matted sheets back up again, but …

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