Fourth Street was nearly deserted this late at night. I walked quickly, my hands in my pockets. I was alert; I had heard tales of robberies in this area late at night. Not that I was carrying much money — it was just before payday, and I was down to my last two bucks, which […]
Email after Drksecret chat Hi Jason. Been reading your posts at slutwifetalk and would love to see more of your gorgeous wife Kathy. She truly is a hot, sexy, white slut! Have attached another pic of me, kindest regards, Harvey Harvey: Hi Jason, Thanks for your reply. I was hoping you would! Kathy is very, […]
The black plastic case was warm to Greg’s touch. The envelope it had been sent in had insulated it in the mailbox during the heat of the day. Greg’s brow furrowed as he tried to figure out why his girlfriend had mailed him a videotape rather then sending a letter. Musing, he wandered over to […]
“What a day,” thought Paula, as she sped down Marine Blvd. on her way to the bank, “it’s just one thing after another!” She knew that she was speeding, but what with the stop at the bank, grocery shopping, and a visit to the beauty parlor, she would be hard pressed to make her six […]
Elizabeth jumped when the doorbell rang. The magazine she was reading almost fell out of her hands. He was here early. The room suddenly felt too hot. Elizabeth’s breath caught in her throat, her chest tight. Killing time had been bad enough, but now that the moment was here, well, she realized she wasn’t truly […]
I can’t believe that I wrote this story instead of my husband, but I really wanted to. The only problem was every time I got going on it, it rekindled the memory of that day, and I kept getting so hot and horny that I’d stop writing and go find my husband, Mack, and make […]