category: MF

Accidental Voyeurs


Our company sent us to New York on business and we were both booked into the same hotel, but in separate rooms. Julie, my co-worker and I were going to give a presentation the next afternoon, then catch a red-eye flight back to the coast. We checked in, finding our adjoining rooms on the 23rd […]

Game Show Sex


The door to the elegant home opened and a well-dressed, middle-aged couple entered. “Oh, Bob,” the woman said, “that was a wonderful dinner, and the bracelet you gave me for our anniversary is beautiful. Thank you so much.” She turned and gave him deep kiss. Bob wrapped her in his arms and smiled. “You’re certainly […]

My Wife Wants To Be A Whore!


When my husband and I had been married for thirteen years. Our sex life has always been often (3-10 times/week) but slowing down. We thought it was our ages, I was 35 and my husband, Bob, was 37. One night we went to Wash. DC for dinner (we live in the suburbs, but rarely go […]

A Picnic to Remember


This happened about 4 months ago when Deb and I decided to go on a picnic at a local state park about 30 miles from our house. We go on several picnics each year and we always have fun. We usually take along luncheon meats, crackers, cheese, pickles and some sort of drinks. Deb usually […]

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