category: Wife



When I was 18 I worked for a trucking company in the midwest. I lived in a nice home with my mother and never knew my father because he left us when I was only 5. While working at my job I became good friends with John. I introduced him to my mother and with in a year they were …

Slutwife Adventures


Well, as I promised last week, I’ll get you up to date on my Fourth of July camping trip. My husband, Tom, and I found this great campground with a practically endless sandy beach, and we were there for the holiday weekend. In my last letter, I described how I’d taken on a couple of groups of guys on our …

Honeymoon in Malindi


In the night of 24th October, about 10. 30 p. m., Mr. Lighting and his wife Claire, an English newlywed couple who were visiting Malindi during their honey – moon, were returning to their residence at Mbuyuni House where their host had accommodated them. They came from dinner outside the compound.When they were entering the residence, they were attacked …

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