Vin’s memory of events after that was a little bit hazy. A good portion of the convention center floor had been covered with closed cell foam wrestling mats. At a glance, this open space, resembled widely spaced groves of trees on an open savanna. It was not a savanna and it was not groves of […]
Leanne squirmed in the arms of Osagyefo Kuntunkununko, he was holding her too close and she was feeling overpowered by his closeness. It was inappropriate! Her hands sought his to pull them away from her delightfully curvy bottom. He was worse than a schoolboy, all groping hands and hot breath. He had even been so […]
Charline Sutter threw back the covers and crawled out of bed, careful not wake her still-sleeping husband, Dan. She stood still for a moment, smoothing her hands down over the lush curves of her voluptuous coffee-colored body, along her full, firm hips and downwards along the womanly curves of her outer thighs. Yes, she told […]
Charline Sutter liked to drive her powder-blue sports car, liked the way it snugly hugged the road no matter how torturously bent or curved it became, no matter what shape or line it took. She enjoyed, too, the feeling of power as she carefully steered and shifted gears of the sleek little car as she […]
We were in Atlantic City. It was our honeymoon. We had tied the knot that morning. Lezli had made a beautiful bride. She was still wearing her wedding gown as we checked into the hotel. She was beautiful. My proud black bride. Long light brown hair spilling down to her shoulders, her veil still on […]
If your intention was to escape the roar of the crowd packed into the giant stadium, the best place to be probably wasn’t the changing rooms. But this was the only place Lulu knew where she could find any degree of privacy. Of course, she wasn’t the only one collapsed head-down on a wooden bench, […]