Barbara moved her cheeks between the slender, smooth, ever-so-hot thighs. It was a moment she had long anticipated, yet dreaded at the same time. A girl was sprawled on the couch, her legs very wide, the tight crotch band of her panties molding the sweetness of her cunt, her pussy hole outlined. Her dress had […]
Mark made a special point of watching the flow of energy as the three of them cavorted in the shower. He wanted to know how much energy they could actually raise with sex, and how much of it would make it to Kristen. He’d really thought that he’d probably get too distracted to pay much […]
So we’re sitting there, watching a movie, when Sam says, “Hey Lady!” “Hey Mister!” is Jessie’s automatic reply. “What do you want?” “Can Jack give me a blowjob?” At this point I perk up a bit. You see, I’m Jack. Jessie and Sam are dating, and have been for six months or so. I’m a […]
We sit side by side on the couch, the warmth of our bodies mingling together and the music in the background floats softly around us. My hands touch you, stroke you, caress you and still I cannot seem to get enough. I feel your hands upon me, the gentleness in your touch and when I […]
A sweet scent of night wafts cascading through the window-screen across my body in the bed, limp, satiated, sheets silken wrinkled around me. I am helpless here, spread out, pink-beige flesh, deep crimson desire, an immolating passion, a need want so deep I can feel it in singed flakes of torn desire running rampant through […]
I haven’t seen Tamara for nearly an hour, but then, I haven’t been looking for her. Her boyfriend — or, more precisely, the man whom she has been with lately, and who she wishes would be her boyfriend — has left the party early, and alone. I noticed she didn’t leave with him. I think […]
“Oh, yes! He’s *definitely* sexy!” Marlene was talking about my husband, Craig! I really don’t know Marlene that well even though we’re next-door neighbors in the same apartment tower. I had seen her around enough to say “hi”, but we’d never had more that a few short conversations in the corridor. I hate to say […]
“Leave the dishes for a few minutes, honey,” he said from the kitchen door. He waved a photo envelope at her. “I have something to show you.” “Pictures?” She reached for a towel, drying her hands. “When did you take pictures?” He only smiled, crooking his finger at her. Puzzled, she followed him to the […]
She watched on the closed circuit TV as he twisted and fidgeted in his bonds. His body slick with sweat. Tan, naked, and delectably erotic. A sigh rippled through her, quivering all the way down to her sex, as she watched his taught muscles undulate under the strain of confinement. He didn’t know she could […]
“Ahem” I hear from behind me as I’m working at my computer. I turn around and standing in the door of my cube is my sexy wife. My jaw falls as I drink in the vision before me. She’s wearing a flowery sundress and she’s unbuttoning it from top to bottom. When it’s completely unbuttoned […]