I wasn’t having a good day. I’d been arguing with managers all day about why my latest project was behind schedule. Finally, I had enough, right about the time I could go home, so I stormed out of the building and roared out of the parking lot. I decided to do something nice for myself. […]
The evil taxman woke up slowly. He hadn’t slept very well, and he suspected he knew why. His bed was just too convenient for trysts. It was out of the way; therefore the participants were unlikely to be interrupted. It was just the right height. It was sturdy, easily able to hold two bodies. And […]
I could scarcely believe that my neighbor asked me to take dirty pictures of her and to post them on the Internet. As it turned out her husband had cheated on her and she threw him out threatening divorce. This was another way for her to get even with him. He had a goody two […]
I admit it. I’m selfish about my pleasure. There’s nothing chauvinistic or Cro-Magnon about it. It’s just that no amount of good intentions can make me go slow for long when I climb on top of Julie and she starts to squirm in that special way she has. Men aren’t made to hold back. I […]
Susan smiled, and slid her tongue back up Lannie’s body, crawling up as well, letting her own breasts slide along her daughter’s abdomen, then over her belly, then, up over her chest. She knelt over the girl, pressing her breasts against Lannie’s, rubbing them back and forth, then from side to side, making the soft, […]
The doctor finished surgery and went out to clean up. The man had been lucky. He had been helping out at a local church fund raiser when a gang had decided to make the priest there (who had been an outspoken opponent of the local gangs) a target of a drive by. But the man […]
“OH, SHIT!!” Susana pushed at Peter’s chest, bucked her hips in a futile attempt to throw him off. She hadn’t heard the car not surprising in view of the crashing intensity of the orgasm from which she had only just recovered but in the afterglow she heard the “snick” of her husband’s key […]
Jim Carver’s cock swelled fucking-hard again in less time than either of them had dared hope. Letha purred and cooed. She hadn’t lost her touch in three long and lonely years of widowhood. Ellen looked aghast. She’d never seen her husband’s great cock so long and throbbing hard. Sight of its fierce surging strength repulsed […]
Two weeks went by, and Sherri failed to talk to Frank. Tommy, too, was wondering. Not about Frank but about Cindy. It was unlike her to stay away so long. He didn’t like to see his mother so depressed. No matter how often they fucked, her happiness was only momentary. Once the glow of orgasm […]
“She said no.” “Definitely no?” “I would have to say yes, definitely. If it’s any consolation, it wasn’t because it was you. I just think the whole idea made her uncomfortable….I think she thinks it will hurt our marriage.” “That’s too bad. If you ask me, it would only make it better….well, damn…..listen the offer […]