I’m watching you swim in the lake as I sip my drink. You don’t know that I’ve been watching you every evening since you moved in. I don’t even know your name, but it doesn’t matter. I watch the muscles ripple across your chest and down your arms as you stroke over and over again […]
She sat in seat 13-A, looking silently out the window at the ground slowly moving by 35,000 feet below her, occasionally interrupted by a soft cloud passing by on the Friday afternoon. Her drink sat half-finished on the tray table dropped down from the seat back in front of her.She knew she wanted this flight; […]
the feather bow in your hair and pearls, Almost 20’s esq, escaping the music and the ball room floor, an open air event, the outside of the ballroom floor room had high columns with coal fires burning, resembling that of a Greek theatre.. Warm air of body heat and fire coals, was met with a […]
I had been married for five years when an event took place that would change my life forever. At the time my wife Jill, was twenty seven years old. She was then and still is a beautiful woman. On the small side, she is about five four, 105 pounds, blonde hair blue eyes. She has […]
his is a work of pure fiction. Unlike my previous stories which were fantasies based on real events and real people, this one takes place in the future. Hope you enjoy! *My marriage lasted five years. The fact that it ended wasn’t much of a shock to anyone. It was a disaster, and I’ll spare […]
Being with Francesca is always like a tonic and I feel completely at ease with her idiosyncrasiesLike the way she adores opera and ballet but most important of all – with me being a red blooded guy and all that means; her deep rooted passion which really moves the earth and everything else for me.When […]
Nothing feels as bad as not really knowing that something is coming and then finally getting the answer that you didn’t want to hear but that you knew you would. I had that happen, and reading the words “I want to be friends, nothing more, nothing less” hit me like a ton of bricks. In […]
The trip to Hawaii had been Mike’s wish for his birthday. Gail had spent months planning every detail. She even discussed it with her best friends Karen and Janet with their husbands, and it didn’t take much convincing to enlist their help. After all, a trip to Hawaii is always enticing. Brian even had a […]
I just started working for a company at the beginning of the week and on Friday the receptionist came around and said that there is going to be a company wide meeting with our other branches in Williamsburg, VA. She said that she had to have the final count of the people attending to the […]
Rachel stood in the middle of her living room, large eyes surveyed the furniture in a sweeping arc, taking in the expensive carpet, the beige leather sofa, coffee table with its customary one or two magazines carelessly strewn on the polished ash effect top.Jim’s television sat brooding and silent in the far corner, silently observing […]