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Mrs Harrison Restrains FemDom



I noticed a substantial change in Edward’s behaviour immediately following my allowing him relief. For the rest of the weekend I was not the centre of his attention and he was surly, sullen and resentful, sometimes angry. I noted this `post-orgasm behaviour’ for future reference, ignored him and simply enjoyed the rest of weekend, shopping […]

Nerds and sex



She caught me at a bad time. With one hand I was cutting and pasting a code fix and with the other, I held a tuna salad sandwich I’d just taken a big bite out of. It wasn’t the best of times to meet a good-looking woman. I heard a rapping, as someone “knocked” on […]

Walk in the park



It was lunch time: high noon. Office workers streamed onto the streets and past the park, in their race to find sustenance for their bellies and a break from their work. Walking through the park on this warm July day, there was a young woman sitting on one of the benches in the elm-shaded square. […]

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