category: assm

In the photo studio


I’m taking some more photographs of you in my studio where my assistant, Duke, is arranging various props and set pieces. He’s a young man in his early twenties, handsome and eager to learn the business. You’re dressed in a blouse and wrap-around skirt. As he works around you, setting things up, I notice you […]

Wee bit o fluff


So we’re rollin doon tae Leith in the Volvo, stereo cranked up with ‘Led Zep II’, a primal work, never bettered. An I’m tryin not tae let the anxiety attacks start doin me in agin. A fool’s errand this, nae job for a polis. An that goes double for me, ace crimefighter, detective par excellence, […]

A Picnic to Remember


This happened about 4 months ago when Deb and I decided to go on a picnic at a local state park about 30 miles from our house. We go on several picnics each year and we always have fun. We usually take along luncheon meats, crackers, cheese, pickles and some sort of drinks. Deb usually […]

Girl on girl story


Shirll spread her legs and reclined on her bed. The music pulsed deeply, going into her very essence, causing her erotic mood to become highly sensorial. Her fingers traced the smooth lines of her body. Using a knife to cut away her panties seemed more erotically stimulating that simply removing them or masturbating through the […]

A wife with no options 3.


I waited until my cock had gone soft in Gwen’s mouth. Then I pushed her face away. I held her head up with my fingers on her chin and I said, “How about it Robby? Have you decided whether you want to fuck her or get a blowjob? Or maybe you’d like both. You could […]

Christina loved Nattelie’s pussy


Christina loved Nattelie’s pussy, especially when it is fresh fucked and oozing cum. For some reason cum tasted better from Nattalies pussy then from Rob’s dick. Christina remembers the first time she tasted cum, it wasn’t from a boy but from her dog. It wasn’t the same as people cum, it was thinner but just […]

I NEED your cock


Yes!! , business trip is finished a day early, as I fly home without calling to surprise you, I KNOW I am forgetting something. No matter. I retrieve my car from long term parking and begin the drive home, fantasizing about making love to you tonight. As I turn onto my street, I remember what […]

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