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A wife with no options 3.



I waited until my cock had gone soft in Gwen’s mouth. Then I pushed her face away. I held her head up with my fingers on her chin and I said, “How about it Robby? Have you decided whether you want to fuck her or get a blowjob? Or maybe you’d like both. You could […]

Christina loved Nattelie’s pussy



Christina loved Nattelie’s pussy, especially when it is fresh fucked and oozing cum. For some reason cum tasted better from Nattalies pussy then from Rob’s dick. Christina remembers the first time she tasted cum, it wasn’t from a boy but from her dog. It wasn’t the same as people cum, it was thinner but just […]

I NEED your cock



Yes!! , business trip is finished a day early, as I fly home without calling to surprise you, I KNOW I am forgetting something. No matter. I retrieve my car from long term parking and begin the drive home, fantasizing about making love to you tonight. As I turn onto my street, I remember what […]

Spanked schoolgirl



I almost went up the steps… onto the back porch. They certainly would have heard me and things probably would have been different. I happened to see through the screen door before stepping on the first step. There was Mrs. Addison sitting on a chair and Beth was laying face down over her thighs! Beth […]

The P.E. Teacher



I was just beginning my senior year with what seemed like the easiest class schedule. My girlfriend had just dumped me for some guy she met that was on Real World MTV. The first day of school I had a P.E. class to fill in some credits and to my surprise to new volleyball coach […]

Educating Darren



When Darren awoke he felt mildly euphoric and completely disorientated. He gradually became aware of two things; he was completely naked and he could not move. A wave of panic gripped his mind as he struggled to free himself but he soon realised that both his legs and hands were firmly secured and that he […]

Nudie Nursery



It was all my mom’s fault. When I was 16, she insisted I get a job. She said she was tired of me just playing on the beach. My grades had dropped from a little too much partying. I think she thought I was up to more than I actually was. But what was I […]

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