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category: asstr bi

Camping Trip Threesome



I’d been dating Therese’s sister Jean for about three months when a camping trip was planned. I hadn’t been camping for years and the idea appealed to me, besides Jean and I were at the stage in our relationship where we couldn’t keep our hands off each other and this would be a good opportunity […]

My Best Friend Jessica



By 11 o’clock, we were both snug in bed – Jessica in her own double bed against wall with me laying on a smaller twin-size bed on the other side of the room. I had spent so much time at Jessica’s house over the last four years that her father had decided to put a […]

Allison and Sarah



Hiya there!, my name is Allison and I’m a 23 year old female who lives in the Portland area. I’m here to share some erotic secrets of mine — I have been romantically and sexually involved with another female for the past three years. And life couldn’t be any better! After my high school graduation […]

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