She had been there before only once, and although it had been quite interesting and a new experience, it hadn’t been as completely sucessful as she had hoped. For one thing, it was the first time she had felt the touch and taste of another woman. For another, the other woman was also extremely sub, […]
We sit side by side on the couch, the warmth of our bodies mingling together and the music in the background floats softly around us. My hands touch you, stroke you, caress you and still I cannot seem to get enough. I feel your hands upon me, the gentleness in your touch and when I […]
Evelyn calls me at ten in the evening. At first I don’t recognize her voice, and then when I do an abrupt shock passes through me as I realize who it is, that it’s really Evelyn. “Are you alone?” she says. “Yes, of course.” “Why of course? You might be with someone.” “I’m not with […]
She sips her tepid coffee and reads the newspaper, trying to decide what to do after the bills are paid and some sort of dinner is prepared. The house echoes heavily with memories of past birthdays, some bright, some dark, all sharing the presence of other people. Making a face, she takes a marking pen […]
“Look, I really don’t want you to come over, okay? “But, but baby?” “Jimmy, you know I love you, but you know how bad I get PMS just before and then feel like total crap for a couple of days when I start.” “But Bay-Bee, you know I don’t care about.” “Yeah, I actually know […]
I admit it. I’m selfish about my pleasure. There’s nothing chauvinistic or Cro-Magnon about it. It’s just that no amount of good intentions can make me go slow for long when I climb on top of Julie and she starts to squirm in that special way she has. Men aren’t made to hold back. I […]
Anyway, I was sitting there in the busy shop getting my roots taken care of and my nails done and the thin woman beside me, she was laid all the way back and getting a wash and rinse, she started talking about the boy that cut her lawn and then fucked her silly. Of course […]
She pushed at his head with her hands. “Go on, eat it.” Zelda Reed looked down at him. She liked to get in her office, after hours when she was alone. She had something going with each of the men who worked for her, and she would call one of them in when she was […]
Misty Marsh was just falling asleep when the racket started. The people next door seemed to be laughing, running around, and jumping on the bed. The hotel walls were so thin, she couldn’t help but overhearing them. The noise made it impossible for her to sleep. “Oh, darn!” Misty sighed, using the naughtiest word in […]
“Walt, I think it’s time you and I got together to settle a couple of old matters between us. My address is below, along with my phone number and a picture of all of us. Me, Mitch, and the sons are looking forward to seeing you soon. Love, Carol.” I held the letter in one […]