category: asstr wife

Deana Wets Herself


Deana and her husband Tom lived close by to Ken and Cynthia’s house. Deana and Cynthia were close friends as were their children. The two families frequently got together and did activities together. Deana noticed that Ken always paid plenty of attention to her, his eyes seemed to follow her like radar, and the focus […]

Black Bliss (MMF, wife, voy, intr)


I wanted to write to tell you about this marvellous get high my wife and I tried. It was purely experimental and to tell the truth she didn’t know I had administered it to her in her coffee, but the result was absolutely astounding and lead the best all round sex session I had ever […]

Vicki Sells her Body for Charity


“Going once! Going twice! Sold to Allen for twelve hundred dollars!” the auctioneer shouted. “Congratulations Vicki. You have just set a new record for this auction. Including the sale of your clothes you have just raised fourteen hundred and seventy-five dollars for the charities supported by the Glen Creek Club.” “Ladies and gentlemen, that concludes […]

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