A wife joins her husband on a fishing trip to a secluded lodge in Alaska. The husband’s life is rescued by the lodge owner and fishing guide, who expects something in return from the wife due to his heroic actions. Will the pair hold their ground? We had planned our Alaska fishing trip months in […]
Since my wife and I married very young, (18 & 17 years old) after 13 years of marriage in many ways we are still young. We married due to a pregnancy fear which turned out as a miscarriage. As a result of the ensuing surgery Vicky could no longer have any sons. I guess that […]
Jerry could see his wife’s cheeks turning red with anger. ‘Oh no,’ he thought. ‘Here we go again. And in a crowded restaurant, too.’ “This, this, this is why no one should of voted for Bush.” Kim’s voice grew louder with each word until half the restaurant was turning to stare at her. “That dumb […]
I wanted to write to tell you about this marvellous get high my wife and I tried. It was purely experimental and to tell the truth she didn’t know I had administered it to her in her coffee, but the result was absolutely astounding and lead the best all round sex session I had ever […]
“Going once! Going twice! Sold to Allen for twelve hundred dollars!” the auctioneer shouted. “Congratulations Vicki. You have just set a new record for this auction. Including the sale of your clothes you have just raised fourteen hundred and seventy-five dollars for the charities supported by the Glen Creek Club.” “Ladies and gentlemen, that concludes […]