category: asstr

ASA Story: The Next Act


The nightclub audience noticed the lights dimming once more, and guests turned to one another nodding and bringing their laughing conversations to a halt. An attractive woman strode onto the stage dressed only in a flowing nightgown. The nightgown was made of a sheer fabric and hid very little of her beautiful body. To the […]

My Wife’s New Boyfriend


Well, my wife has slept with about six different men since 1997. I am 28 and she is 27. You can read about three of them in “My Wife’s First Big Lover” and “My Wife’s First Big Lover 2”. This latest story is still going on right now. We both have jobs that make us […]

Lesbian Captain’s Orders


The pirates took over the convict ship on her sixth day out of Dartmouth, bound for Virginia. Under cover of darkness, they came alongside and had disposed of the captain and crew before the few passengers on board were awake enough to know what was going on. Then, as the convicts were freed to join […]

Submission – Vacation in Paradise


Joni and I are a perfect match; we work hard when it’s time to work, but when we have a chance to relax, we know how to play. And when we play, life is sometimes nothing more than what Joni does to pass the time between orgasms. “I’m so horny my ears are plugged up,” […]

Sex with Step-Daddy


I told you a little bit about how Daddy and I played when I was younger and I’d love to tell you more. But some people are wondering what our relationship is like now that I’m 20 and a sophomore in college. Daddy is still a very young and sexy 53. He’s gotten a little […]

Midnight Ballet (Msolo,Mdom,nc,bd,toys)


I wasn’t having a good day. I’d been arguing with managers all day about why my latest project was behind schedule. Finally, I had enough, right about the time I could go home, so I stormed out of the building and roared out of the parking lot. I decided to do something nice for myself. […]

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