category: asstr

Writing A Sex Story


“Honey! Can you come here for a minute? I got a question I want to ask you?” Ben asks, while sitting at his computer. He’s written a bunch of sex stories but, he’s run out of ideas. “Yes, how can I help you.” Judy responds, standing over his shoulder, looking at a blank page on […]

My journal 1.


Here I am sitting at this damned terminal… No news in the world worth looking at; more wrecks, crashes and murders. No e-mail worth responding to. I need a job, I shouldn’t postpone it but I will. Another day, that’s all I need, I’ll get my shit togather and go build a few houses, pay […]

The Procuress


Dita Robson smiled to herself as the hum of the Provencial motorway gave way to the harsh buzz of the pre-Lyon hardtop. The Mercedes camper, although tatty looking outside, was humming along as sweetly as a nut. And so it should, considering the amount of money she spent on maintaining its mechanics. In her trade […]

Who’s Sari Now?


I first met Rani in combined Graduate/Undergraduate Seminar on Computative Algorithms ( my introduction to computing, before that I was a Math Major and only biding my time in school until I was a Junior to Join ROTC and work towards a commission ). This was about 6 or 8 months after my New Yorker […]

Hotwife and the scrabble


We were only a few turns into the game, but my wife was already way ahead (as usual). Being an avid Scrabble player and a voracious reader, her mind possessed an incredible vocabulary, including every two- and three-letter word in the Scrabble Player’s Dictionary. But I enjoyed the game regard- less of whether I won […]

Please don’t piss in my mouth


I couldn’t believe it was all in me. Not that he was gigantic or anything, it was just the idea of the fat cock being pushed all the way up there. My eyes were no longer tearing now, I just stayed in that one position, my ass stuck way up in the air, letting him […]

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