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category: asstr

Purim Treat



Unbelievably, I had begun seeing “A”, this stunning blond member of our congregation after she came on to me one night at a fund-raiser, drunk on vodka. My band was providing the music and while on a break, she got into my personal space, asking me why I never flirted with her like I did […]

Whiskey dreams



Thursday evening my sexy girlfriend, Kayla called and asked what time I’d be home on Friday? “I told her that I really didn’t know but it probably wouldn’t be till late if we worked for 14 hours, “Then I had to drive for 5 hours to get home. “She said, Ok, “Then told me that […]

Erotic Story Comes to life



Big succulent melons, her hips highlighted by her crimson mini-skirt. Her legs shapely and a ass that made his nature rise. She sipped on wine as he swooshed cognac around in his mouth. The small talk became sexual when Kitty uncrossed and crossed her legs. He caught a nice glimpse of her red panties. His […]

The Perfect American Scat Couple



It’s so strange looking back on it, to think of how I got into all of this. My best friend’s daughter for pete’s sake. I don’t even know if I regret it, that’s the scary part. Whatever, the fact is now I live for this girl, and she’s only 18. And I’m 22 years older […]

Putrid ass(tr)



“For 135 years Adam knew not his wife Eve, but instead was visited at night by Lilith, his first mate, the mother of all demons.” Scarlet recited the words over again in her mind, as her delicate fingers adjusted the binoculars. The trailer across the street was only unusual in the fact that out of […]

Fifty Dollars for Full Service



Elizabeth jumped when the doorbell rang. The magazine she was reading almost fell out of her hands. He was here early. The room suddenly felt too hot. Elizabeth’s breath caught in her throat, her chest tight. Killing time had been bad enough, but now that the moment was here, well, she realized she wasn’t truly […]

Christinas sex experience



Christina loved Nattelie’s pussy, especially when it is fresh fucked and oozing cum. For some reason cum tasted better from Nattalies pussy then from Rob’s dick. Christina remembers the first time she tasted cum, it wasn’t from a boy but from her dog. It wasn’t the same as people cum, it was thinner but just […]

Found in Amber



The watchman pulled the latch with trepidation. One hand gripped the cold pull-lever, the other his gun. The door clicked and creaked heavily open. There was darkness within. He peeked behind him. He would have some time before he had to get back, as he had skipped most of his rounds to get straight here. […]

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