category: asstr

She sucks magnificently !


“Beatrice Dalrymple, just what do you think you are you doing to that poor young man?” Eleanor demanded from the doorway. Corky’s prick was still pulsing inside Beatrice’s bottom, having just deposited his tribute therein. Beatrice, for her part, was forestalled from her imminent climax by her mother’s exquisitely ill-timed interruption. Corky fought down the […]

The Blonde Twins


Gwen and John had sex, just like they did every week or so. She came off with a languid sigh and he spewed into her, but unusual during their couplings, she had something else on her mind. “We have a problem, John,” she said after returning from the bathroom. “Like what? Is it money?” “I […]

Four Condoms – rimjob and anal


“Uh-huh,” I said into the phone, “yeah.” “No, no. Of course not!” I said. “Great. I’ll see you then.” I hung up. “Who was that,” Nadia wanted to know. “Kiss me,” I said, in lieu of an answer. Nadia smiled and sat across my lap, brought her hands to my face, and kissed me very […]

Tales of the Season – Darla’s Story


A frustrated frown on her normally smooth features, the woman ran to the phone while drying her hands on her dishtowel. Who on earth would be calling at this ungodly hour of the evening? “Bonjour, Ms. Thompson’s.” “Bonjour to you, too, Madamoiselle Maria, Comment allez vous?” “Michael?? Is that you, dear?” Maria asked delightedly. “Where […]

Caught By The Babysitter


Tina Mallory was an 18 year high school graduate trying to make money for the summer. She was not very tall but very attractive. She had long red hair flowing down nearly to her backside and although she didnt understand why…her breasts never did get very big…An A-cup…she was so embarrased..However, it never stopped her […]

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