category: asstr



Joe caught a glimpse of his reflection in the glass door, the faint grey ghost of a figure reaching forward to grasp the brass handle. Joe grinned and felt a quick self-conscious laugh as the faded vision reminded him he didn’t look half bad. “I should get a haircut,” he murmured, pushing the curly mop of hair back from his …

The Encounter


As much as I enjoy the delightful treat before me ( this sweet, moist pussy spread out under my probing tongue — I feel compelled to pull myself away for a moment. I look up at her from my marvelous vantage point between her legs and smile. As I gaze along the creamy flesh of her body, over the swell …

Viva ! Las Vegas


As soon as the girls got back from the shower, Roxanne asked me if they could get high. I got out a joint and the three of us walked down the beach and got real fucking stoned. Desiree kept saying over and over again, “Wow ! This is so good.” I kept laughing and Roxanne just kept tokin’. When we …

Bath time xxx


Elizabeth lays on the couch, her head in Jason lap. Staring up at him she realize how lucky she is to be where she is. He slowly and absentmindedly plays with her brown hair as he sits entranced by the movie they rented. All she can think of his how wonderful he looks. His cool blue eyes and tan skin. …

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