category: asstr

Bonnie loves anal


“Scream all you want, Bonnie.” Bob whispered into her ear, as he attempted to mount her from behind, both on hands and knees in the doggie style position. Bob had applied a tiny drop of KY on the outside of her rectum. Just enough lube to work the head of his shaft just inside the […]

Silk Stockings


Sloane was in a bar in Palm Beach, Florida when she walked in. She was tall, confident looking, with shoulder length blonde hair. She wore a leather jacket and jeans, and had a badge. Her name was Cassie St. John and she was a sargeant in the Palm Beach Police Dept. She was a homicide […]

A Golden Experience


James was excited. He had never been on a blind date before, and was looking forward to this one. It was set up by an old college friend, and he was to meet her at the Grill for dinner. He was into his second glass of wine, when a brunette walked up to his table. […]

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