category: asstr

Fucking Scarecrow by PleaseCain


Hers was a horrible night. Bunny showed up at Jesus Joe’s, where she didn’t need to be, where the people hanging out on his couch or the kitchen or downstairs look as strung-out as Keith Richards even when it’s not Halloween. Jesus Joe knows to keep an eye on her, that she’ll be vulnerable for […]

Extreme Scat with Jake and Tina


Jake Mathers was a sick man. Sick in the head that is. The demented product of an upper class upbringing that saw a few small yet distinct moments in his early childhood that turned him this way, he was now in his mid fortees and very perverted. It wasn’t just the fact that he lusted […]

Evening Song – Merlin (furry, M-vixen-F, rom)


“That’s the last of the guests.” Velvet sounded tired. “I’m glad it’s over with. What possessed him to do it, anyway?” The sounds coming from the kitchen stopped. Kay’s voice was tinged with gentle amusement when she answered Vels’ plaintive question. “He did it because he loves us both–and it was his way of telling […]

WILD CHANGE by Carlos Malenkov


Deep in the Black Forest, or *Schwartzwald* as the locals call it, there stands a small, moss-covered cottage. Its quaint gingerbread trimmings give it a charming Eighteenth Century rustic look. Civil servants of the Bavarian state government maintain the hut and its surroundings, and give guided tours to any hikers who happen by. Nailed to […]

Heatherlyn’s Happy Ending (MF,rom)


After the second month, Heatherlyn went to a doctor, and her fears were confirmed–she was pregnant. She was now no longer a virgin, and would have to bare and love the child of a man who raped her. The abortion of an innocent life was unthinkable to her Christian soul. Heatherlyn told no one about […]

Mat Twassel: The Snoozer


One beautiful Saturday morning in early summer Joe and JoJo set out from their house on Bluebird Lane for a little before-breakfast stroll about the neighborhood. They had not gone far, just around the corner and to the next block, Robin Drive, when they noticed a garage sale. “Oh, no,” Joe said, “we have way […]

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