category: asstr

Bukkake Business


It was a big day for her, Tachu reflected, as she glided the electric razor over her scalp, removing traces of blue stubble to expose the pale pinkness beneath, After all her efforts in securing the deal with the Taming Force Corporation, today was finally the day in which the client would sign and all […]

A Pet in Paradise


I was on my way to my new home with my Master. In a way it was our first home. We’d saved for years, lived in a series of small apartments where the neighbors were always thin walls away, putting money away and dreaming of what we’d have ‘one day’. And now the day was […]

Hard cocks on the holiday


The following morning we showered briefly, pressing on with a quick breakfast keen not to waste the precious time left. We drove to our ‘special’ beach, parked up and walked into the dunes. We were disappointed to find no Sarah and John in their usual spot, instead two ladies, a little older than us, both […]

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