category: asstr

My Uncle and I


My name is Susan and I’m now eighteen. I have long blonde hair and a very slim figure. I’m 5’6″ tall. This is my first posting and so bare with me if you don’t like it. It’s based on what happened two years ago. If this posting proves successful I may do more. It was […]

An Ordinary Morning


After taking a shower together we sat in her kitchen. She read the paper and sipped chamomile tea. I drank Viennese coffee and nibbled on my bagel and occasionally her earlobe. — Uh, oh, she laughed. I slipped my hand inside her robe. Her nipples started to go crinkly. — He wants something. My hand […]

In the photo studio


I’m taking some more photographs of you in my studio where my assistant, Duke, is arranging various props and set pieces. He’s a young man in his early twenties, handsome and eager to learn the business. You’re dressed in a blouse and wrap-around skirt. As he works around you, setting things up, I notice you […]

Wee bit o fluff


So we’re rollin doon tae Leith in the Volvo, stereo cranked up with ‘Led Zep II’, a primal work, never bettered. An I’m tryin not tae let the anxiety attacks start doin me in agin. A fool’s errand this, nae job for a polis. An that goes double for me, ace crimefighter, detective par excellence, […]

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