I walked her up and down the room on the leash to cool down further. We
made two circuits, then I took her to the weight bench again to take off
her shoes and socks. When she stood, I reattached her wrists behind her
back and removed the leash. I asked her how she felt about the workout, and she …
Eva watched her parents’ car disappear as it turned the corner. She
stepped away from the window and drew the blinds, blocking out the
sunlight. Her parents had just left on a weekend getaway to northern
Minnesota, leaving her home alone for the next two days. It had taken some
pleading because her parents were understandably reluctant about leaving
their …
Karen was my boss at work, and from the first time I saw
her, I had to have her. While a pussy may be the source
of a woman’s pleasure, I believe that the face is the
source of her beauty. And Karen’s face was magnificent.
Most women seem to comment about the softness of another
woman’s body and breasts, …
Bob set the two suitcases inside the door of the mountain cabin and turned to look at his wife. His bride smiled, the clear light shimmering over her lightly tanned face, the sun glinting on her pale blonde hair.
“Here we are,” Bob said. “Honeymoon cottage.” He swept Linda into his arms and carried her over the threshold into the …
They both slept very late the next morning. Bob had been at her, on her, in her most of the night. Linda woke up feeling very relaxed, very happy. Bob stirred beside her, shoving back the coven. She looked at his naked body as he slowly left his sleep. The man had given her passion. And pleasures she never dreamed …
After allowing ruthie to get some water and rest a bit, I replaced her
gag, and led her over to the wire cage, intending to use it as a “holding
pen” while I readied the next “attraction.” The cage was basically a box
on legs with a crosspiece at the top..although the legs were at an angle.
The entire contraption …
As consciousness returned Sam became aware of the ache in his
shoulders….and an overwhelming need to piss. “Where am I?” drowsily
he asked the darkness. This question – though revealing much about our hero’s own innocently
cliched assumptions – got no reply. So he dozed off again, waking
however many hours later feeling no less numb and muddled. The pee…
When I wake up it’s already dark outside. I get up from my cot on the floor, crawling on my hands and knees. My only clothing is the collar on my neck, its bell tinkling softly as I approach the dark figure sitting on the couch.It’s the Young LadyShe’s looking distractedly at her phone, a boring expression on …
Over the next two weeks, the constant fucking almost became routine. The day after the group sex where the three guys got off twice each they repeated the exercise. Seemingly this obliterated any notional barriers or propriety or privacy that had been holding them back from completely availing themselves of her body. She never wore clothing anymore – they liked …
Up to now, I have been posting on a ‘closed’ story site. Closed in that only members can read or submit stories and no one can download. The people who run the sight are extremely pleasant and have always treated me fairly and have even helped me on a number of occasions. In short, I cannot say enough positive things …