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category: big tits

What Are Sex-Supergirls Made Of



“Come on, baby, just relax. If you didn’t want it, why did you give me such a beautiful smile?” Frank caressed the young passerby’s face. He didn’t want to force her. He didn’t enjoy feeling like an asshole. So he just pretended that his body wasn’t pinning hers to the greasy pavement. He pretended that […]

The Honeymoon story



The two lovers stand at the alter. The priest reads the words slowly and carefully to make sure that they understand the power in the words. “To Love, honor and cherish,” he says. The couple, so immersed in their love for one another take turns reciting the words. The priest, satisfied that the couple has […]

The Final Level – big tits



Gwen looked at herself in the bedroom mirror and softly caressed her large breasts. Then taking each nipple between her fingers gave them each a vicious squeeze that made her gasp. She couldn’t believe what she was contemplating on doing this morning. She had played around the edges of it in her mind for years, […]

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