category: big tits

Fucking in the camp 2.


The next morning Ben moved the boat through the reef and we anchored in a small bay. The island was nothing like the last one, it was full of lush tropical growth and had a long sandy beach. It was beautiful. The women were already at work cleaning the boat, and Ben and I ate […]

My hot virgin niece


Bobbie Joe stared out or the large window into the blackness of the night. The highway seemed deserted, except for an occasional passing car. It was as if the rest of the world were fast asleep, and certainly it looked as if everyone else on the bus were asleep. From her rear seat Bobbie Joe […]

Guys Love Big Tits


We may as well admit it. We guys love big tits. I don’t know the exact reason why. I suspect Freud would say it has something to do with our mothers. Others would say it’s due to our society becoming so sexualized with advertisements selling sex and women being objectified. All I know is that […]

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